Hello World

Welcome to my site. I’m Andy Tran. I’m a product manager in tech, currently living in Seattle. I created this site to write about and showcase my professional and personal projects. Professionally, I love collaborating with engineering and design teams to create products that leverage data and automation to solve customer and business problems.

About my career

I started my career in New York City as a research associate for a nonprofit focused on low performing schools in NYC, Newark, NJ, and Washington DC. There I analyzed data and created reports to assess the nonprofit’s effectiveness. I transitioned to big tech starting with an operational role in digital advertising. I created internal tools to automate data analyses and transitioned into a business intelligence role to focus on improving the tools and setup the ETL infrastructure for more sophisticated tools. As my scope grew, I transitioned into product management to lead larger efforts across engineering, design, marketing, and beyond to launch impactful products and features.

About my hobbies

I like learning new things so I have collected several hobbies over time. I hope to write a bit about them all some day. Here’s a list of ones that come to mind in no particular order

  • Running
  • Bicycling
  • Tennis
  • Cooking and Baking
  • Magic the Gathering
  • Reading (mostly nonfiction)
  • Travel


Views and opinions expressed on this site are my personal opinions and may not represent the opinions of any entities I may be associated with.